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“体彩杯”“三美”新和自行车邀请赛暨郎溪县山地自行车比赛热烈开赛 "Sports lottery cup" and "Three Beauties" Xinhe bicycle Invitational Competition and Langxi mountain bike race are warmly opened

发布时间:2020-11-18 08:55 来源:郎溪县人民政府办公室 浏览:


On November 15, the "sports lottery cup" and "Three Beauties" Xinhe bicycle Invitational Competition and the third mountain bike competition inLangxiCountyattracted nearly 200 riders from the city to participate in the competition and gathered together in beautiful Xinhe.


Wonderful performance of volunteer service team


At 8:35, at the moment of the starting gun, the women's group players who were ready to go out in front of the starting point gate rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, explaining the charm of the cycling race with speed and endurance.


The race is a round robin race. The women's group has two laps of15.4 km, the men's group A has 3 laps of23 km, and the men's group B has 3 laps of23 km.

本场比赛由郎溪县全民健身委员会主办,郎溪县教育体育局、十字镇人民政府承办,县文旅局、县公安局、县卫健委、新和村村委会、县超越骑行者协会协办,安徽省皖动体育产业发展有限公司运营 。

The competition is hosted by the national fitness Committee of Langxi County, undertaken by the education and Sports Bureau of Langxi County and the people's Government of Shizi town. It is co organized by theCountyBureauof culture and tourism, the County Public Security Bureau, the county health committee, the Xinhe village committee and thecountyChaoyueriders Association. It is operated by Anhui Wandong Sports Industry Development Co., Ltd.



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