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Langxi County Effectively and Orderly Resolve the Difficuilt Problem of Petitions.


发布时间:2020-05-26 15:19 来源:郎溪县人民政府办公室 浏览:

First, to promote development at a high level. A special action leading group led by the major county party and government leaders has been set up, and several special meetings have been held to study and solve outstanding problems in complaint reporting. We will continue to open doors to receive visits, bring cases down to the door and visit people at home, and turn people's petitions into visits by leaders. Second, to develop in-depth investigation. On the basis of the completion of the national, provincial and municipal handling of complaint reporting issues, we have carried out a regular re-sorting and re-checking of all kinds of contradictions and hidden problems in complaint reporting. So far, we have sorted out a total of 37 potential problems in complaint reporting and fully implemented the package cases of county-level leaders, and clarified the responsible units and responsibilities. Three, to attack problems one by one. We will carry out a series of special actions, such as deeply resolving the petition cases of critical years,"deeply supervising, focusing on resolving and promoting the implementation of complaints and visits", to address outstanding problems in petitions. Special workshops have been set up to address key problems and key person in handling complaint reporting, and we will implement the policy of "one case, one policy".Fourth, to supervise the inspection and handling. A complaint reporting supervision team shall be established in a timely manner to extend the supervision to every responsible unit and village (community).Since the beginning of this year, a total of nine inspections have been conducted, including four key complaint reporting issues, and four dispatching meetings and meetings of the commerce.

一是高位推动。成立以县党政主要领导任组长的专项行动领导小组,多次召开专题会议研究解决信访突出问题。坚持开门接访、带案下访和上门走访有机结合,变群众上访为领导下访。二是深入排查。在完成国家、省、市交办信访问题基础上,常态化开展各类信访矛盾隐患进行再梳理、再排查,目前共梳理信访隐患37 个,全部落实县级领导包案,明确责任单位和责任人。三是逐个击破。深入开展信访积案化解攻坚年、信访突出问题“深督导、重化解、促落实”等专项行动。针对信访重点问题和重点人员,成立工作专班,实行“一案一策”,因案施策、因人施策。四是督查督办。及时成立信访督查组,将督查触角延伸到每一个责任单位和村(社区)。今年以来,共督查9次,督查重点信访问题4个,召开调度会、会商会4次。



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